Friday, November 16, 2007

High Protein Deit!

Sorry it has been a few day since I have updated. I have been a little more tired the last couple of days. I was getting tired around 3 or 5pm on most days until Wednesday. I am not sure if the Nurlasta shot is making me more tired, or the red blood cell count or the chemo this time. Anyway it has been nice to feel so good I really can't complain about being more tired the last couple of days. I got my Nurlasta shot on Friday and I haven't had the extreme reaction this time. I little aching not much and not chills or flu like symptoms.

Thursday I was able to go to a look good...feel better class that the Cancer Center puts on. They go over make-up application, wig care and how to put them on and head wraps and a few other things. I was hoping they would show us how to put on fake eye lashes and eye brows but they didn't. They say you can't use those when you are on chemo. I did get a nice bag full of make up clinique, Avon, Chanel, EL and some other nice companies that donated make up. I did learn about applying eyebrows when I don't have any. I do still have hair but I am still losing hair. It isn't as noticeable because they are so short. I keep trying to tell Ryan it is his hair not mine. I tend to forget I have short hair until I pass by a mirror.

Today was a nice relaxing day. I was able to sneak in a 3 hour nap thanks to friends and Carter took a good long nap with me. Thanks Carter for taking a nap. It felt really good! I am so looking forward to next week no chemo and family will be here for Thanksgiving. I love the holidays and all the family and food! I don't know if I have told you but while I am on chemo I have to eat a lot of protein 100 grams. So everything I eat I try to make sure it is high in protein but everything high in protein seems to be high in fat. So needless to say the 15 pounds I lost eating all the fruits and veggies I put back on. When you don't have energy to work out and you eat high in fat foods it makes it hard to keep the weight off. I am not complaining because I get to eat more food and I actually like it better than the all fruits and veggies diet. If anyone has some suggestion on high protein less fat I am open for ideas.


tharker said...

That class at the Cancer Center sounds wonderful! And how awesome for all of those cosmetic companies to donate to such a great cause.

Let's see, high protein, less fat...beans are a great source of protein. Why is it that I can't think of anything else? It must be nice for you to to have more variety now that you're not restricted to just fruits and veggies. Good thing Thanksgiving is just a few days away, think of all that protein in that delicious turkey!

اسفندیار خدایی said...

I and my wife say hello to you
I enjoyed pictures
I want more relation

meohmyers said...

Sorry to be nosey, but do you know this guy who commented before me? That's a little creepy.

Anyway, about the high protein low fat foods...
do you like fish? What about chili? Nicole Z. has an awesome recipe for homemade chili that tastes a lot like taco soup. Sooooo good! Have you ever tried hummus? Go to this website for lots more ideas. Just copy and paste.

So glad you're getting some rest. I saw you at Cole's P/T conference. Do you like his teacher?

Em and Ms said...

Cottage cheese is high in protein and you can get low or non-fat. It's great with fruit!

Anonymous said...

Hi! If you go to they have an eye brow kit by Anastasia. They have the best brow pencils with enough definition to make individual hair marks. They also have differnet shape templates.
Patricia (Thackham) Roberts