Thursday, April 17, 2008

Spring Fever!

I have to say the kids and I had a great spring break. I tend to be one that can't wait for the next days fun but this last week I didn't. I enjoyed and lived in the moment or activity. I think I was very patient and relaxed also. We had so much fun together as a family and Ryan joined us when he could. I am grateful that I didn't have chemo I probably wouldn't have been able to keep with the kids. We enjoyed chuck e. cheese, birthday parties, eatting out, temple, movies (rented/theater), swimming, shopping, grocery shopping, doctor appointment, feeding the ducks, walla walla, avairy, parks lots of them, skate park, scooters, bike rides, whitman mission, hiking, ice harbor dam, picnics, baseball, spokane, camping, canoeing, zintal cayon, the river, old friends and new friends. Everyday was packed with activities.


Jodi said...

PHEW! You guys did a lot! I won't let my kids see your blog and all that you did - they'd be very disappointed in our activities! I got winded just reading everything! I can't believe you fit all of that into a week!

Anonymous said...

Good for you!!! What a great gift to spend time with your kids and actually live in the moment. We spend so much time putting off living and having fun with our family. It doesn't have to be expensive. When we are retired we are too tired to do alot of the things we have been waiting to do so "You go girl and do things now". I wish that I had!
Love, Teacher Kathy

Anonymous said...

Spokane, and you didn't stop by. We would love to see you anytime you are in town. It might have been your last chance to see your old bedroom. We put our house up for sale this week. We have bought a place in the town of Liberty Lake. it's just off the Centennial
Trail. It will be about 6 months before we move in. It's not even built yet. We are hoping our house will sell soon, but it will mean renting for a few months. Just getting to old to keep this place up. The last winter just convinced us. Aunt Linda and Uncle Carl

Chauntel said...

I can't believe aunt linda's moving. They've been here as long as I can remember. I remember visit when we were younger and thinking they live in a mansion. It must have been the double doors when you walk in or the formal rooms or maybe the porch. Anyways, I'm so glade you were able to do so much. I can't believe how busy you stay. You amaze me. I love you and can't wait to see you.